Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is the Maserati a car designed specifically for women?

I took the advice of someone and decided to buy a Maserati with what I'm getting divorce money :) But after close inspection, I swear that car is made for women in mind.|||It's soft, slinky, sleek like a woman. dsds has maserati babe|||Might be. The market sells what they think will sell the most. Women have proven that they are suckers for anything labeled just for them. Thats why the car companies do makes cars just for you.

I personally arn't going to buy something thats "Just for Men" unless it's like vitamins or something, when it comes to entertainment and for fun it's not worth it, they charge more and you get the same exact thing.

They sell things for women only because they can charge more and they know you'll go and buy it because lets face it, most not all women are shopiholics. So it might be ya.|||They're not all automatics chicky babe, most models have manual transmissions and the on board camera to help you reverse park is an optional extra.|||Way to burn through your childs heritage.|||maybe??

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